* Please enter the engagement ID located on the invitation.
Engagement ID:
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User Agreement
Are you currently a member of the VA/DoD?
Attendance at this meeting and or consumption of a meal may be against VA/DoD policy. Locations other than on-site at a VAMC facility, the value of any meals/refreshments that you provide to an individual VA employee must not exceed the $20 per occasion/$50 total per year per VA employee limits.
License State (as a reminder, according to state laws and regulations in MN and VT, any healthcare practitioners who maintain a license in any of these states are not eligible to accept the food and/or beverage(s) provided at this program).
Our records indicate that the email address you have entered is aligned to . If this is you, please select “Continue”. If this is not you, please select “Go Back” enter an alternate email address
Our records indicate that the email address you have entered is aligned to following profiles. Are any of these individuals you ?
Office information
Our records indicate that the number you have entered is already on file, We have that number aligned to . If this is you, please select “Continue”. If this is not you, please select “Go Back” and update your NPI number.
Our records indicate that the number you have entered is already on file, We have that number aligned to . If this is you, please select “Continue”. If this is not you, please select “Go Back” and update your SLN number.
It is unlawful for any manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor, or any agent thereof, to offer or give any gift or gifts, including meals, totaling more than $50 per year to a Minnesota-licensed healthcare practitioner
This Current meeting status was Completed. So you Cannot process yet
You have selected a restricted specialty, do you wish to continue?
You have entered an HCP with a restricted specialty. Upon submission, an email will be sent to the EO advising of the restriction of this HCP attending. The HCP will not receive a confirmation email until the restriction has been resolved. Do you wish to continue?
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Our records indicate that the email address you have entered is aligned to following profiles. Are any of these individuals you ?
Please provide us with some information so that we can your representative
Our records indicate that the criteria you have entered is aligned to following profiles. Are any of these individuals you ?